
Free Online Dating Quizzes for Fun

Look, anybody is obsessed with personality tests (and for adept reason). They're like to horoscopes and star divination, in that they non only give people something to believe in about themselves, only provide a glimpse of why others act the way they practise, too. Kind of cool, right?

Personality tests and quizzes tin exist used solely for personal growth and ~learning~ more about why yous function the way you do, just they can also be used in the dating game—you know, to encounter if you're actually compatible with Mr. Doesn't-Know-the-Deviation-Between-Their and-There-only-Is Taller-Than-six'2".

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And if you've been around the block on dating apps, in that location'south a good chance you've seen people weird flexing their Enneagram blazon in their Tinder bios or mentioning their love linguistic communication on first dates.

And so whether you're single, in a relationship, or boning your next door neighbor, information technology may be worth taking one of these 14 personality tests to acquire more nearly how compatible you lot actually are—or, at the very least, what yous should be looking for.

1. If you desire something to flex

The Enneagram Personality Test

Okay, if you and your South.O. take the patience to spend longer than xv minutes completing a questionnaire, the Enneagram personality test is nearly as in-depth equally you can go. Information technology divides you into ane of nine "types" (or categories) with ultra-specific results tailored to you. Pro Tip: If you're single, your "type" would exist a skilful thing to add to your Tinder bio.

2. If you want to start with a archetype


This beautifully designed Myers-Briggs test not only reveals your personality in detail, but will help you encounter how similar (or unlike) you and your partner are. It as well helps that all the outcomes are put into four different groups, so you can humble brag if y'all both land in the same i.

3. If you're dying to know how good you are together


Developed by literal NASA rocket scientist Rashied Amini, the free version of this quiz follows a similar construction to Myers-Briggs, but goes deeper into things like how you lot arroyo single life, what romantic relationship types piece of work best for y'all, and even which locations statistically have the most compatible people for yous (by taking into account your individual career and life goals). If yous're really ready for the truth, it can also tell you whether you should break up or not...

4. If you'd like to immediately improve your relationship

The 5 Love Languages

Based on the all-time-selling book by Gary Chapman, this quiz doooes crave you to sign upward, but trust, it is so worth opting into spammy emails. Knowing how you each prefer to receive and express honey (instead of bold everyone wants hugs or surprise gifts) makes things so much ameliorate in a relationship. Seriously, this should be asked on every first date to found right from the showtime how you should wait to communicate with your partner.

The v Love Languages: The Secret to Beloved that Lasts

Moody Publishing

v. If yous really want to know them

FiveThirtyEight'south Personality Quiz

This exam claims that almost personality quizzes are "junk science" and its results are meliorate (Lol, ouch to everyone else on this list), then allow's explain: FiveThirtyEight's personality quiz ranks y'all on things like your openness to new experiences, emotions, agreeableness, and extroversion. All cardinal factors in determining compatibility, no?

6. If you're looking for a perfect bar appointment thought

36 Questions on the Way to Love

Ah yes, who could forget the iconic 2015 New York Times essay about a set up of questions so vulnerable, yet so approachable, that it could potentially make falling in love happen faster? Regardless of whether you lot want to go life partners with the person sitting beyond from you at the dinner table, these Qs are a fascinating style to get to know someone that get above and across, "So, what do you like to exercise for fun?" and if that's not worth doing this with your engagement, I don't know what is.

7. If you want a quick temperature check on your relationship

The Gottman Institute's Human relationship Quiz

John and Julie Gottman, PhDs, have been researching romantic relationships for more 40 years. With all that experience, they merits that they can predict if a couple will break up or divorce with more 90 percent accuracy (a weird flex I easygoing wish I had, too). So if you desire to cheque in on whether your relationship'south however in a good place, this quiz is a good identify to kickoff.

Another option: Cheque out their latest book Eight Dates: Essential Conversations for a Lifetime of Love, which runs down eight different topics ranging from sex activity, trust, money, and conflict.

Eight Dates: Essential Conversations for a Lifetime of Honey

8. If y'all're itching to get realer about your sex lives

We Should Try It!

If you've had things you lot've wanted to try in bed (or fifty-fifty just smaller preferences), this is a swell mode to talk about them without having a formal sex conversation with your Southward.O. Each person fills out the in-depth questionnaire and you only see the things yous both agreed on. Judgement-free zone here, folks.

9. If you lot want to know each other'south kinks in a rubber infinite

The XConfessions App

Like to We Should Endeavor Information technology!, feminist developed-motion picture manager Erika Animalism's app is basically Tinder for sexual acts—although it specifically focuses more on kinks and fantasies. And again, you only run across what you both swiped right on, which creates a safe identify to talk over what you're both interested in trying.

10. If you're tired of all that reading

The VisualDNA "Who Am I?" Quiz

This one is fun because information technology's all visual and especially easy to follow...but the results are super detailed and eerily accurate. Click on the images and answer choices that speak most to you and meet where the quiz takes yous.

eleven. If yous want to truly geek out


You lot know how sometimes, with typical personality quizzes, you pick an reply you feel similar you should pick rather than the ane you actually desire? Yeah, you can't do that here. All these questions ask y'all to think of something vague (like a cube in a desert) and how you imagine it reveals who you truly are. Honestly, set to be shooketh by how real the results are.

12. If you're planning a Fri night in

Our Moments

While using conversation starters with a romantic partner can, in theory, feel like you lot're both in desperate need of things to talk well-nigh, these questions skip the small talk and dive right into topics even the closest couples maybe never broached before. At the very least, it beats rewatching Friends again, that's for certain.

13. If you lot're both addicted to star divination

The Pattern App

Whether your partner already knows their moon sign or is at least willing to enquire their mom for their nascence time, this app tells you everything y'all need to know nigh your astrological personalities (and how well they mesh together). Yep, yeah, it's not technically a quiz, but why non practise a deep assay on someone based on where they were born?

14. If yous want to memorize each other's birth charts

Co–Star App

If y'all want an even deeper analysis on your planetary alignments and *why* you clash when you practise, check this app out. Information technology takes astrology and horoscopes just a lil chip further that The Design App, if that'due south your thing.

Sex and Relationships Editor I'm a Sex and Relationships Editor for Cosmo'south Snapchat Observe, which you should definitely subscribe to :).

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